Here are the tags we have covered so far. | |
<HTML> and </HTML> | Enclose the entire HTML page |
<HEAD> and </HEAD> | Enclose the Head section of the page, where the title and other information about the whole page is placed |
<BODY> and </BODY> | Enclose the Body section of the page, where the actual text that appears on the page is placed |
<TITLE> and </TITLE> | Enclose the title (placed in the head) |
<P> and </P> | Encloses a paragraph align=left | center | right |
<H1..H6> and </H1..H6> | Enclose a heading. H1 is the largest, H6 is the smallest align = left | center | right |
<HR> | Draws a Horizontal Ruled Line ("Hard Rule") align = left | center | right width = # pixels | % of window width size = #pixels noshade |
<A> and </A> | Anchor href =URL | #name | URL#name name = text |
Copyright © Alan Simpson 2000 | Back to index. | Forward to next page. | Last Updated 2000-04-12 |